"Pakistan Gave Birth To Taliban To Counter India": Former Afghan Envoy - NDTV

  1. "Pakistan Gave Birth To Taliban To Counter India": Former Afghan Envoy  NDTV
  2. The fall of Kabul: The fateful choices that led to the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan  The Washington Post
  3. The anguish of Afghanistan War vets  Vox.com
  4. Editorial: A rushed and flawed Afghanistan withdrawal plan assured a tragic outcome  STLtoday.com
  5. The real Emirs of terror are in Rawalpindi: Will the world act? | Opinion  India Today
  6. View Full Coverage on Google News

source https://news.google.com/__i/rss/rd/articles/CBMiemh0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lm5kdHYuY29tL2luZGlhLW5ld3MvcGFraXN0YW4tZ2F2ZS1iaXJ0aC10by10YWxpYmFuLXRvLWNvdW50ZXItaW5kaWEtZm9ybWVyLWFmZ2hhbi1lbnZveS1tYWhtb3VkLXNhaWthbC0yNTIyMzcy0gGPAWh0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lm5kdHYuY29tL2luZGlhLW5ld3MvcGFraXN0YW4tZ2F2ZS1iaXJ0aC10by10YWxpYmFuLXRvLWNvdW50ZXItaW5kaWEtZm9ybWVyLWFmZ2hhbi1lbnZveS1tYWhtb3VkLXNhaWthbC0yNTIyMzcyP2FtcD0xJmFrYW1haS1ydW09b2Zm?oc=5


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